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38 - Centurion, Gauteng, Südafrika

Passievol, vriendelik, liefdevol en so bietjie weird. Drink en rook nie. Het n paar tattoos 😍 Old school...


69 - Helderberg, Cape Town Metro, Südafrika

Opregte, eerlike, standvastige man. Moontlik is daar 'n maatjie daar soos ek wat iemand soek, met liefde, omgee...


41 - Meyerton, Gauteng, Südafrika

Friendly and very spontaneous likes adventure and love to have a good time with friends.Enjoy quiet time as well


62 - Johannesburg, Gauteng, Südafrika

Ek aanvaar jou nes jy is... Ek wil jou nie verander nie Dit beteken ek sal by jou staan deur alles ...goed of...


47 - Johannesburg, Gauteng, Südafrika

Intelligente, aantreklike goed geboude enkel lopende middeljarige blanke man. Nagraadse kwalifikasies. Diverse...


38 - Pretoria, Gauteng, Südafrika

Ek het 'n vreeslike lekker persoonlikheid. Kom met almal oor die weg. Ek hou van kuier en die lewe geniet. En...

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Der Kontakt- und Datingservice 12meet ist für Menschen, die ernsthaft nach einem Partner und der Liebe ihres Lebens suchen. Bei 12meet findest Du eine sichere Umgebung, um sich zu treffen und neue Beziehungen zu finden. Du kannst Dir sicher sein, dass Du jemanden Besonderen unter den tausenden unserer Singles finden kannst. 12meet ist schnell, einfach, sicher und anonym.

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Thank you . I am speaking to a wonderful, beautiful lady . I am sure we will would good friends for now.
Ron, 04 Dezember 2023
After a journey filled with ups and downs, I am thrilled to say that I have found the person who makes my heart soar. Finding a partner on your site has been a serendipitous adventure, and I want to express my deepest appreciation for providing the platform that led me to this extraordinary connection... Your platform has been instrumental in bringing two hearts together, and for that, I am truly grateful...I wish everyone still on this journey the very best in finding their special someone. May love continue to flourish on your platform, connecting hearts just as it did for me.
Michael, 29 Januar 2024
Just to say with only 3 days left on my subscription (5 years ago in 2019) my inbox pinged with someone who I am about to get married to. ...Then as lock down hit we took the plunge to move in together. And here we are about to marry. Second time around for us both;older and wiser to life and relationships. I honestly have met the love of my life. Thank you. And for the people reading this an doubting the algorithm. Stick with it...
Kibi Wright, 23 Juni 2024